Thursday 10 March 2011

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

2009 Director Niels Arden Oplev

Based on the late author Stieg Larsson's successful trilogy of books, this is a dark journey into the skeletal closet of the wealthy and powerful.

A journalist is hired to uncover the truth about the disappearance of a wealthy Swedish industry baron's niece forty years ago. He pairs up with a dysfunctional maverick computer hacker and together they embark on a disturbing journey into the darkest recesses of a family's history. The deeper they dig for the truth, however, the greater the risk of being buried alive by members of the family who will go to great lengths to keep their secrets tightly sealed.

This film grabs you by the lapels and keeps your attention riveted throughout. It is masterfully constructed and Noomi Rapace gives a captivating performance that is Oscar worthy. The film is gritty, haunting and fast paced with some violent scenes that are uncomfortably real. This is definitely not one for children to see. Although much depends on the hacker's abilities the film does not get bogged down with technology but concentrates more on the human element. There are a good many references, intentional or not, to  Michelangelo Antonioni's 1966 film Blow up. This is a cracker of a start to a trilogy and I hope the sequels can keep up not only the pace but also the superb acting and excellent cinematography.

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